I am a NWS trained spotter and this app is awesome!!! The ability for users to report tornadoes and hail activity AND to include a picture is a very useful tool to help bolster public safety!!!! I grew up in Texas and severe storms there are commonplace, but here in the northeast, they are rare. There is very little in the way of public notification about really severe weather (limited severe weather sirens) so this tool is VERY useful in getting the word out, sometimes even BEFORE the NWS issues a warning. In June 2011, tornadoes popped all around the northeast and users of this app reported a tornado about 15 minutes before ANY warning was issued. I wasnt using the app at that time, but in the history it shows that a user reported the tornado before the NWS!!! Unfortunately, the warning didnt get passed on early enough to prevent loss of life, but as more users come online, hopefully we can limit the loss of life and injury due to severe weather!!!!!
Meissobored about TornadoSpy+